
Creating a new Test class for a variant of HondaNidecAltSafety causes tests to fail.

AravindaDP opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce

Create a Test class for a new variant of HondaNidecAltSafety in tests/safety/ as bellow.
Option 1:
Add following just before Honda Bosch Tests

class TestHondaNidecAltBrakeSafety(TestHondaNidecAltSafety):
    Covers the Honda Nidec safety mode with alt SCM messages (And later will be extended to include alternate brake message)

Option 2:
Add following just before Honda Bosch Tests

class TestHondaNidecAltBrakeSafety(TestHondaNidecSafety):
    Covers the Honda Nidec safety mode with alt SCM messages (And later will be extended to include alternate brake message)
  def setUp(self):
    self.packer = CANPackerPanda("honda_fit_hybrid_2018_can_generated") # Or "acura_ilx_2016_can_generated" it shouldn't matter = libpanda_py.libpanda, Panda.FLAG_HONDA_NIDEC_ALT)

  def _acc_state_msg(self, main_on):
    values = {"MAIN_ON": main_on, "COUNTER": self.cnt_acc_state % 4}
    self.__class__.cnt_acc_state += 1
    return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("SCM_BUTTONS", self.PT_BUS, values)

  def _button_msg(self, buttons, main_on=False, bus=None):
    bus = self.PT_BUS if bus is None else bus
    values = {"CRUISE_BUTTONS": buttons, "MAIN_ON": main_on, "COUNTER": self.cnt_button % 4}
    self.__class__.cnt_button += 1
    return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("SCM_BUTTONS", bus, values)

Actual Result
In either case it results in following test failure

FAIL: test_buttons (test_honda.TestHondaNidecAltSafety.test_buttons)
Buttons should only cancel in this configuration,
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/aravindadp/openpilot/panda/tests/safety/", line 175, in test_buttons
AssertionError: True != False

Expected result
Adding a mere test class like this shouldn't cause any tests to fail.

Note that this is on will try to see if this somehow fixed in latest master

It turned out that this issue is fixed in newer panda code. Closing.