
Up and Running

follow steps below to start the dev server

  1. corepack enable pnpm to use pnpm

  2. pnpm i to install dependency

  3. npm run docs:dev

The dev server should be running at http://localhost:5173. Visit the URL in your browser to see your new site in action!

file structure

 ├─ src
 | ├─ blog        # blog file  /blog/xxx
 | ├─ guide       #  /guide/xxx
 | ├─ rfcs        #  /rfcs/xxx
 | ├─ public      #  you can put resource here
 | ├─ utils       # some utils
 | ├─    # home page;
 | ├─ zhcn        # 中文文档  same as src; config at ./vitepress/config.mts   [locales.zhcn.themeConfig]

deploy status

Netlify Status