
A conventional commits changelog generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A conventional commits compatible changelog generator.

Attribute commit messages according to determine the next semver version of your package.

With this, conv-changelog can generate the changelog in markdown format for the whole git history or just the next unreleased version.

Conventions: (From conventional commits)

The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]


type note
feat!: ! describes a BREAKING CHANGE (The major version needs increment)
feat: describes a feature change (The minor version needs increment)
fix: describes a bugfix change (The patch version needs increment)
chore: types other than feat: or fix: are allowed, e.g. build:, chore:, docs:, refactor:, perf:, test:

For breaking changes it is good practice to describe the reason with BREAKING CHANGE: in the footer, e.g.

chore!: drop support for node 12

BREAKING CHANGE: Switch to ESM modules.

Additionally you can use the types break: or BREAKING CHANGE: in this project, to describe breaking commits. E.g.

break: drop support for node 12

We are switching to ESM modules.

Any commit message which is not according to this convention is considered being of type fix: and it's patch version is incremented.

If a package.json file is found in the working directory the version property is updated to the next pre-release according to the above described conventions.

Otherwise a VERSION file is generated or updated.

How does is look like? Take a look at CHANGELOG.md.


Either install in your project or globally with:

npm install -g conv-changelog

Then run the cli, e.g. (this creates a CHANGELOG.md for the next version)

conv-changelog -o


  conv-changelog [options]


                          this help
                          show version
    -i|--in <filename>
                          input filename; defaults to CHANGELOG.md
    -o|--out [<filename>]
                          output filename; if <filename> is omitted then input
                          file gets pre-pended.
    -r|--revision <count>
                          generate <count> versions
                          default is 1; if set to 0 the full history is
    -t|--theme [groups|lines]
                          use theme groups or lines
                          default is lines.
    -u|--url <href>
                          Repo url.
    -f|--filter <regex>
                          filter commit subjects by regular expression.
    -d|--dir <dirname>
                          use different dirname instead of current working
    --from <tagname>
                          start from git tag or hash.
    --to <tagname>
                          end with git tag or hash.


import {changelog, handleFiles} from 'conv-changelog'

// this generates CHANGELOG.md for the complete git history.
const options = {
  cwd: process.cwd(),
  in: 'CHANGELOG.md',
  out: 'CHANGELOG.md',
  revisions: 0
const { changes, lastVersion, nextVersion } = await changelog(options)
await handleFiles(options, { changes, lastVersion, nextVersion })

Please check out main() in ./src/cli.js.
