Lubuntu install on white Macbook

This tutorial aims to install a Lubuntu 17.10 on a Macbook3,1 using live CD via usb-stick. My major problem was running the desktop 32bit ISO which does not fit on a CD. This may also work on an old MacMini1,1


start live CD

  1. Download Live CD - I'm using Lubuntu 17.10.
  2. Start VirtualBox and create new VM mounting ISO-Image
  3. Start Live-CD VM
    • For Lubuntu 17.10 it might be necessary to start with "nomodeset" option Press "F6" Other Options and set "nomodeset"

format usb-stick

In Live-CD open terminal wit ctrl + alt + t

  1. sudo gparted
  2. Select USB-Drive (e.g. /dev/sda)
  3. Menu:Device > Create Partition Table > Dialog:Warning This will ERASE... > Dropdown:gpt > Button:Apply
  4. Menu:Partition > New > Filesystem: Dropdown:fat32 ; Partition Name: GRUB2EFI > OK > Menu:Edit > Apply all Operations
  5. Exit gparted

prepare grub efi

Still in Live-CD...

  1. Download the, grub.cfg together with script in same folder.
  2. Make sure that your usb-stick is device /dev/sda and mounted under /media/lubuntu/GRUB2EFI.
    • If this is not the case edit the script.
  3. Run sh from the terminal.
  4. If using a different ISO-Image you may need to change grub.cfg in EFI/BOOT folder on the usb-stick.
  5. Switch to your Host-OS and copy the iso image to the /iso folder

Your stick should contain these files now.

├── EFI
│   └── BOOT
│       ├── bootx64.efi
│       ├── bootia32.efi
│       └── grub.cfg
├── iso
│   └── lubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-i386.iso

macbook2 prepare

  1. Boot into OSX and open "Disk Utility"
  2. Repartition your Harddisk to decrease your OSX Partition. Create a new one for Lubuntu
  3. Download ReFind
  4. Shutdown OSX
  5. Insert usb-stick in macbook and boot holding the alt key.
  6. Select the "EFI Boot" with USB-Icon (right-most)
  7. Boot into Live CD - this may take some time... make credit to USB1

install Lubuntu

  1. Click on "Install Lubuntu 17.10"
  2. Run the partiioning using your second partition you peviously created under OSX.
    • Note down the device name lubuntu gets installed. E.g. /dev/sda3
    • Run the installer - it will stop with an error stating that grub can`t be installed
    • Do NOT shutdown the computer.
  3. Grub bootloader installation using script.
    • Check your partitions first with sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
    • Make sure your Linux filesystem is at /dev/sda3. If this is not the case edit and change the line linux=${disk}3 accordingly. Use cp /isodevice/ .
    • Run sh /isodevice/ install


  • Install additional drivers...
    • Broadcom Wifi
    • Intel Microcode
  • You may change the default behavior for function keys
  • isight
    sudo apt install isight-firmware-tools
    # mount Macintosh HD from file manager
    sudo ift-extract -a /media/$USER/Macintosh\ HD/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBVideoSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleUSBVideoSupport
  • There is an issue with [drm:drm_atomic_helper_commit_cleanup_done [drm_kms_helper]] ERROR [CRTC:26:pipe A] flip_done timed out in dmesg


  • Content is licensed under CC0.
  • Source code is licensed under Unlicense
