
JWT Token Validation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Middleware to verify JSON-Web-Tokens (JWT) sent in Bearer Authorization Header.

If public-keys are required to verify JWTs the JWKS URI can be detected by issuer using .well-known/openid-configuration URLs.

Supports multiple issuers with the jwks() method.

Works also with express using jwtAuthExpress().



npm i @veloze/jwt

In your code:

import { Server } from 'veloze'
import { jwtAuth } from '@veloze/jwt'

const server = new Server()
const issuer = 'https://my.oau.th'
// for HS256, HS384, HS512 token provide secret
const protect = jwtAuth({ issuer, secret: 's€cr3t' })
server.get('/', protect, (req, res) => res.end())

// ----
await fetch('https://server', { 
  headers: {
    authorization: 'Bearer <TOKEN>' // H256 Token with issuer https://my.oau.th

For OIDC servers with .well-known/openid-configuration

import { jwtAuth, jwks } from '@veloze/jwt'

const issuer = 'https://my.oau.th'
const issuer2 = 'https://oauth.other'

// supports multiple issuers
const secret = jwks([issuer, issuer2])
const protect = jwtAuth({ secret })



import { 
} from 'jose'

interface DecodedJWT {
  header: JWTHeaderParameters,
  payload: JWTPayload,
  signature: string

type GetKeyLikeFn = (decodedToken: DecodedJWT, req: Request) => Promise<KeyLike>;

interface JwtOptions extends JWTVerifyOptions {
   * for HS256...HS512 provide secret as Buffer or string
   * for asymmetric JWT provide publicKey as secret
  secret: string|Buffer|KeyLike|GetKeyLikeFn
   * if verification is successful then payload of decoded token is added to 
   * request using this property e.g. default is `req.auth`
   * @default 'auth'
  requestProperty: string

function jwtAuth (options: JwtOptions): 
  Promise<(req: Request, res: Response): void>

function jwtAuthExpress (options: JwtOptions): 
  (req: Request, res: Response, next: Function): void


type JwksOptions = {
   * allows to set custom fetch function
  fetcher?: typeof fetch | undefined;
   * expiry in ms, JWKS uris are cached until this expiry timeout
  expiresIn?: number | undefined;
   * jwksUri by issuer (for PS, RS, ES alg JWTs)
   * allows to overwrite the default jwks_uri which usually is looked-up from 
   * .well-known/openid-configuration
  jwksByIssuer?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
   * secret by issuer (for HS JWTs) 
  secretsByIssuer?: Record<string, string | Uint8Array> | undefined;

 * issuers: provide a list of different issuers which shall be supported
function jwks(issuers: string[], options: JwksOptions): GetKeyLikeFn;


MIT licensed