
The rest modeling framework provides an EMF based model for RAML api definition files.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

The rest modeling framework provides an EMF based model for RAML api definition files.

Using in your own project

The latest unstable release can be retrieved from Maven with:

ext {
    rmfVersion = "0.2.0-20240722205528"

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

dependencies {
    compile "com.commercetools.rmf:raml-model:${rmfVersion}"

The main entry point is the io.vrap.rmf.raml.model.RamlModelBuilder class, see the following code for an example on how to use it:

  final URI fileURI = URI.createFileURI("/path/api.raml");
  final RamlModelResult<Api> modelResult = new RamlModelBuilder().buildApi(fileURI);
  final List<RamlDiagnostic> validationResults = modelResult.getValidationResults();

  if (validationResults.isEmpty()) {
      final Api api = modelResult.getRootObject();


To start the RMF generator using docker use the following command

docker run --rm -v<RAML-definition-directory>:/api -v<output-directory>:/out vrapio/rmf-generator -l postman /api/update-actions.raml