
Validating REST API proxy

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Vrap is a validating REST API proxy. In order to be able to validate rest api calls the proxy consumes RAML 1.0 definition files



To start vrap using docker use the following command

docker run -v<RAML-definition-directory>:/api -p5050:5050 vrapio/vrap /api/api.raml 

Running vrap locally

Run from shadow/fat jar

Build shadow jar with gradle:

./gradlew shadowJar

Then run built shadow with java:

java -jar build/libs/vrap-all.jar <path-to-raml-file>

Directly via gradle

./gradlew run -PcliArgs=<path-to-raml-file>


In order to validate incoming requests and responses your application has to be configured to use the vrap api url: http://localhost:5050/api

Web Interface

Vrap includes a small web interface for browsing the API definition.