:red_circle: A redbox (rsod) component to display your JavaScript errors.
- 0
Adding support for React 17
#121 opened by madhavan-sundararaj - 1
style prop has incorrect type in typescript type file
#118 opened by Neaox - 0
Issue with reassigning stack on some javascript engines
#117 opened by EloB - 1
How to use with react-hot-loader 4.0 ?
#114 opened by ramusus - 0
Doesn't show lines and files of errors
#113 opened by wzup - 0
introduce a makeUrl prop
#112 opened by pathsny - 1
Show part of code[Proposition]
#111 opened by chernyshof - 3
[SSR] renderToString returns <!-- react-empty: 1 -->
#106 opened by kimjuny - 0
Create example for react 16 error boundaries
#110 opened by davidpfahler - 1
Support v16 of react and react-dom
#107 opened by alexilyaev - 12
missing filenames vs right line
#102 opened by hoschi - 2
- 4
Support other types of sourcemaps
#84 opened by frux - 0
SSR not working
#98 opened by mmcgahan - 2
- 1
prop-types issue
#92 opened by bertho-zero - 2
It seems dep is missing
#89 opened by steida - 3
Style question
#85 opened by sp-andres-gutierrez - 3
Lower the z-index
#83 opened by sontek - 8
IE11 React 15.4 issue
#82 opened by DimitryDushkin - 5
default z-index of redbox too low?
#78 opened by seanes - 5
Is it possible to have Redbox output the error to console, so sourcemaps in Chrome can do their magic
#77 opened by damonmaria - 2
Error running with React 15.4
#73 opened by jasanst - 2
- 8
Checksum errors on server render
#21 opened by hoegrammer - 1
Moving to Commissure org
#69 opened by davidpfahler - 3
Include sourcemaps in your build
#53 opened by gajus - 11
Broken semver
#61 opened by madjam002 - 5
Add ability to render without being full-screen
#44 opened by glenjamin - 7
Mount onto document.body
#27 opened by NickColley - 3
Handle non-Error error values?
#51 opened by markerikson - 1
Background should be blue.
#55 opened by resistdesign - 3
Compatibility with the new React Hot Loader?
#58 opened by joshburgess - 1
please publish update to npm
#50 opened by rkstar - 10
0.14 support?
#29 opened by clearly - 2
ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "rewire"
#34 opened by burabure - 1
Issue with parsing Errors in Safari
#8 opened by gaearon - 2
The box covers the whole page thus making it harder to figure out which component crashed and what exactly is wrong.
#32 opened by mik01aj - 2
- 6
- 5
What should the links do?
#10 opened by philholden - 0
More unit tests & test coverage
#4 opened by davidpfahler - 2
Why the component is fixed
#22 opened by klzns - 2
- 1
Support React v0.14-rc1
#15 opened by RafalFilipek - 3
Update/remove peerDep
#14 opened by STRML - 8
ReferenceError: window is not defined
#11 opened by trevordmiller - 4
#6 opened by dzannotti - 6
#1 opened - 3