- Python [3 files]
- create_db.py to setup
- aggregate.py to collect items from mealDB
- make_request.py to make request to our database
- MySQL on docker
- Ubuntu Server host
- Developed and tested on Pop_OS 22.04
Pull and run MySQL container
docker run -d --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -v ~/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql mysql/mysql-server
- Review the docker startup logs to find the randomly generated MySQL password.
Log into the MySQL container
docker exec -it mysql bash
Execute the commands below in order to create user account for Python to connect
mysql> CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'challenge';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%';
MySQL is ready
Note: any item between angles [“”] is user supplied
In each of the 3 python files change the user, password, host ip, and add database name as seen below
host = "<host ip>",
user = "root",
passwd = "<password>",
database = "<database>"
# in the aggregate.py file
engine = create_engine(
Now run each of the 3 sections in the create_db.py file sequentially.
Everything should now be setup and ready for use.
The application has two py files.
- aggregate.py generates requests to mealDB and collects the response for upload to MySQL while displaying the result on the Flask page
- make_request.py makes requests to the MySQL database we own agregate.py has 4 endpoints which can be used to proxy requests to the mealDB.
- Data returned is used to generate more requests to the mealdb by ‘idMeal’ to get detailed information about each meal
- This detailed data is split into two tables - one for ‘idMeal’ and cooking instructions, and another for everything [minus instructions]
- this was due to the length of instructions causing problems on occasion
- Data is then sent to MySQL and displayed on flask page make_request.py has 4 endpoints for searching the MySQL database create previously.
This returns data from the MySQL query.
- Error Handling
- Duplicate filter for write to database
- SQLi prevention - input sanitization
- html form allowing user to see data returned and either save to MySQL or drop the data after reviewing