Conference Board w/ Chat @ CampJS

Getting Started

$ curl | /bin/sh
$ git clone
$ cd campjsnotices
$ meteor
Running on: http://localhost:3000/

See it

Currently hosted on Meteor's infrastructure:

What's this for?

Built by Daryl Antony in a few hours for CampJS II workshop, August 2013.

Hit him up for coffee in Melbourne:

Common Code ( 114 Hoddle Street Abbotsford

m: +61 423 972 657 e:


It seems, that when attending conferences, a very useful means of keeping up to date with the Conference story is to check the conference hashtag on twitter.

I thought that this might be augmented to make a place that could capture the story of the conference in a single, summarised and documented place.

The first thing accomplished is a simple Notice Board with the ability to chat realtime about the Notices.

When I get to an Internet enabled space – I'll incorporate more ideas that utilise the twitter streaming API; the notices will evolve to become a kind of living storyboard of the event.

Thanks for checking this out.

More to do?

  • Better Message UI
  • Add Twitter accounts
    • Tweet out
  • Evolve the layout to become a Storyboard