Compose, verify, and share form contracts at the command line.
At the command line, with npm installed:
npm --global install commonform-cli
commonform --help
is tested on the current Stable and Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Node.js. Please see the Travis CI configuration file.
You may like to download a few sample form documents to start:
$ git clone samples
$ cd samples
To format a form, say the Orrick Mutual NDA, for reading in the terminal:
$ commonform render Orrick-Mutual-NDA.commonform
To convert to OfficeOpenXML (.docx) for Microsoft Word:
$ commonform render --format docx Orrick-Mutual-NDA.commonform
And with a title:
$ commonform render --title "Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement" --format docx Orrick-Mutual-NDA.commonform
To check a form for technical errors:
$ commonform lint SAFE-MFN.commonform
To view automated style critiques:
$ commonform critique IBM-Cloud-Services-Agreement.commonform
To hash a form:
$ commonform hash Contract-Standards-TOS.commonform
To apply a different section-numbering scheme:
$ commonform render --title "Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement" --format docx --number decimal Orrick-Mutual-NDA.commonform
To see a list of additional subcommands and their options:
$ commonform --usage
For Vim users there is also vim-commonform with syntax highlighting and conveniences for Common Form markup.