
SIngle Quote throws error

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‘CFR’ Throws an Error

'CFR' Does Not (look close ' and ’ are different )

The error comes when you cut and paste in text from Word or in this case from a Web App - Simply changing the single quote or apostrophe fixes - in vim just delete it and reenter it - not a big deal but annoying - I assume the same applies for double quotes

Here is a discussion that might help:

I believe this is expected behavior. Common Form accepts only ASCII

@tbrooke: @anseljh is right on point. Common Form markup must be ASCII-only.

Fortunately, if you eventually want Microsoft Word files, you can get "smart" quotes by doing replace-all with " and ' in both the find and replace fields. Word will automatically replace straight quotes with curly quotes.

Good point and it does have an error message that say illegal character at such and such a place

But it happened to me twice - from two separate places - Word and wherever I got the CFR cite from

I know that there are an infinite number of incorrect states and an error message for everything would be impossible but this seems like a common error - at least for me - Or maybe it is teaching me not to cut and paste --

What about error message ERROR "Incorrect Quote at ...."

Or make an exception to ASCII for quotes:

see Typography for Lawyers

@tbrooke: When usability and implementation disagree, usability wins. We should make this work.

@anseljh: I have this ready to go:

Any chance you'd like to PR commonform-markup-parse to substitute ASCII for Unicode before handing off to the parser?

Neat. I can try taking a shot at that. Pretty busy right now, so it may not be right away, but I'll get to it eventually! Will open an issue in commonform-markup-parse to remind myself.

It looks like there's a regression here. I just pushed a testing config change to the parser code, and it failed tests, including one on empty forms:

I tried again locking the parser generator version, and it passed tests again. Looks like an upstream regression.

I will lock the version and push a patch release to npm shortly. You should npm i -g commonform-cli again when you can.