Problem in bringing conceptnet into my own computer system
FullDataAlchemist opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi. Yesterday I was going step by step for installing "Conceptnet" on my computer. everything was going well but I forgot about having enough space for the Postgre database. So the process stopped with an error "no space is left". so I fixed it and run "./" again but got an error : (this is last few lines)
Collecting decorator (from traitlets>=4.1->nbformat->snakemake->ConceptNet==5.8.1)
Using cached
Installing collected packages: appdirs, configargparse, ratelimiter, smmap, gitdb, gitpython, psutil, wrapt, six, pyrsistent, attrs, zipp, importlib-metadata, setuptools, jsonschema, pyyaml, chardet, urllib3, idna, certifi, requests, toposort, docutils, ipython-genutils, decorator, traitlets, jupyter-core, nbformat, datrie, snakemake, click, wcwidth, ftfy, msgpack-python, numpy, marisa-trie, langcodes, regex, msgpack, wordfreq, xmltodict, ordered-set, psycopg2-binary, numexpr, tables, scipy, python-dateutil, pytz, pandas, patsy, statsmodels, threadpoolctl, joblib, scikit-learn, mecab-python3, jieba, cycler, pyparsing, kiwisolver, matplotlib, annoy, ConceptNet
./ line 31: 315 Segmentation fault (core dumped) pip3 install -e '.[vectors]'
Then I run pip3 install -e '.[vectors]'
and got the same error.
But when I run pip install -e '.[vectors]'
I get Successfully installed ConceptNet
I remove everything (my environment, Postgre Database, project folder) and do everything from the beginning but got the same error.
I have Ubuntu 18.04 and I'm using Conda and I just install python in my environment before any installation for "Conceptnet".
Finally, I cleaned my pip cached packages under the ~/.cache/pip/
folder, and the problem seems to be solved! Also, I had a problem with wordfreq
package and I downgrade it to 2.2.1 version and problem solved.