- 0
- 2
concepts need definitions
#336 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 1
ConceptNet version 5 and older
#301 opened by JohannaOm - 2
- 0
How to model non-existent relations
#335 opened by zolekode - 2
#332 opened by garyphilip - 4
Internal server error: 500
#331 opened by Rayckey - 16
500 Error
#306 opened by ComradeDaria - 0
Add link to AWS Docs to Wiki
#330 opened by mjgiancola - 4
500 Internal Server Error
#327 opened by shivamag125 - 6
limiter fails
#317 opened by tae898 - 1
DB AssertionFInder connection() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
#323 opened by mhennessy8 - 6
`pytest --fulldb` five fails.
#316 opened by tae898 - 1
Multiple Word Based Queries returning as No Node whilst Node(Word) being present in
#326 opened by imr555 - 0
Synonym symmetric relation
#325 opened by dsenkyr - 0
ConceptNet 5.8.1 AMI root volume snapshot should be public to enable copying the AMI to other regions.
#324 opened by matthewlowry - 0
- 0
Does the csv have all the data that is queried from wiktionary and other sources?
#321 opened by RevanthRameshkumar - 13
Internal Server Error 500 while accessing the API
#313 opened by Naushad9458 - 4
Server Error 500
#304 opened by C0c0aG33k - 0
WEB API v5.7 - Language Filter
#312 opened by ayushkalani - 0
- 0
- 1
Does the tzw.ent.npy file use glove to initialize the entities in the concept? How is the npy file created?
#311 opened by huiguo07 - 3
Rate limiting under high load cause error
#308 opened by amirouche - 2
Web API down
#305 opened by krgallagher - 1
Filter based on Language
#302 opened by lalchand-pandia - 1
Replace msgpack-python in favor of msgpack
#300 opened by annargrs - 3
Internal server error while accessing web api
#299 opened by kartik7511 - 0
Connection Fails
#298 opened by ghamzak - 0
#297 opened by ChenTao98 - 0
ConceptNet is not in ConceptNet
#296 opened by sdaitzman - 0
bad node and bad edge for "[fr] commune"
#295 opened by felix9 - 5
Relatedness score of 0.0 for every Thai word pairs
#288 opened by alexpulich - 0
Unknown relation in version 5.8.1
#293 opened by HeroadZ - 1 : Internal server error
#292 opened by anastasia-zhukova - 0
British and American spelling differences
#291 opened by adam-ah - 1
- 0
msgpack related error on database loading
#287 opened by rominf - 0
retrofitting parameters
#285 opened by JohannaOm - 3
Evaluation code Snakemake
#284 opened by JohannaOm - 1
load_db rule never terminates
#282 opened by JohannaOm - 2
How to get the embedding vector?
#278 opened by psp3dcg - 3
error during building coneptnet
#280 opened by JohannaOm - 1
#279 opened by JohannaOm - 0
Serving conceptnet API using HTTPS?
#277 opened by radames - 0
Getting a 500 error on 5.6.0 AMI
#272 opened by seanbethard - 3
- 2
How to query related terms from local python?
#255 opened by SebiSebi - 1
How to extract the concepts and its relations ?
#259 opened by Lapis-Hong