This bot is made to get the current stats of games like Battlefield 2, bad company 2, 3, 4, hardline, 1, 5 and 2042 (portal) as reaction in the chat.
These are the commands available for this bot:
Game Tools Battlefield API:
Supported Battlefield titles:
Battlefield 1942 (servers)
Battlefield 2142 (servers)
Battlefield Vietnam (servers)
Battlefield 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield 3
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 5
Battlefield 2042 (portal)
Normal stats:
/bf2 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 2 Stats (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bfbc2 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield bad company 2 Stats.
/bf3 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 3 Stats.
/bf4 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 4 Stats.
/bfh stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield hardline Stats.
/bf1 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 1 Stats.
/bf5 stat (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 5 Stats.
BF2042 portal specific:
/bf2042 experience (playgroundid or url of the experience) - Get info about a experience made in portal.
/bf2042 tools - Show a list of tools made by the Battlefield community.
/bf2042 featured - Get the featured experience on portal (from game UI).
Progress and gamemode stats:
/bf1 progress (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 1 completion.
/bf4 progress (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 4 completion.
/bf1 gamemode (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 1 w/l ratio based on gamemode.
/bf1 vehicle (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 1 stats for each vehicle by type.
Class stats:
/bf2 class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 2 stats for each class (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bf3 class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 3 stats for each class.
/bf4 class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 4 stats for each class.
/bfh class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield hardline stats for each class.
/bf1 class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 1 stats for each class.
/bf5 class (platform) (playername) - See your battlefield 5 stats for each class.
Weapon stats:
/bf2 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bfbc2 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield bad company 2.
/bf3 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield 3.
/bf4 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield 4.
/bfh weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield hardline.
/bf1 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield 1.
/bf5 weapons (platform) (playername) - See wich weapons your the best at in Battlefield 5.
Weaponstats by type:
/bf4 top (platform) (playername) - get a list of weaponstats in a given type in Battlefield 4.
/bf1 top (platform) (playername) - get a list of weaponstats in a given type in Battlefield 1.
Vehicle stats:
/bf2 vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bf3 vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield 3.
/bf4 vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield 4.
/bfh vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield hardline.
/bf1 vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield 1.
/bf5 vehicles (platform) (playername) - See wich vehicles your the best at in Battlefield 5.
Graphing vehicles:
/bf2 vehiclegraph (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bf3 vehiclegraph (platform) (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield 3.
/bf4 vehiclegraph (platform) (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield 4.
/bfg vehiclegraph (platform) (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield hardline.
/bf1 vehiclegraph (platform) (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield 1.
/bf5 vehiclegraph (platform) (playername) - See which vehicles your the best at as graph in Battlefield 5.
Graphing weapons:
/bf2 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bfbc2 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield bad company 2.
/bf3 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield 3.
/bf4 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield 4.
/bfh weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield hardline.
/bf1 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield 1.
/bf5 weapongraph (platform) (playername) - See which weapons your the best at as graph in Battlefield 5.
Search weapon stats:
/bf3 weapon (platform) (playername) (weapon name) - Search stats for a specific weapon in Battlefield 3.
/bfh weapon (platform) (playername) (weapon name) - Search stats for a specific weapon in Battlefield hardline.
/bf4 weapon (platform) (playername) (weapon name) - Search stats for a specific weapon in Battlefield 4.
/bf1 weapon (platform) (playername) (weapon name) - Search stats for a specific weapon in Battlefield 1.
/bf5 weapon (platform) (playername) (weapon name) - Search stats for a specific weapon in Battlefield 5.
Graph weapon and vehicle combined:
/bf4 graph (platform) (playername) - get a graph of both vehicles and weapons in Battlefield 4.
/bf1 graph (platform) (playername) - get a graph of both vehicles and weapons in Battlefield 1.
/bf1942 serverlist (playername) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 1942.
/bf2142 serverlist (platfom) (playername) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 2142 (battlefield
/bfvietnam serverlist (playername) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield Vietnam (qtracker/openspy).
/bf2 serverlist (platform) (playername) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bfbc2 serverlist (playername) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield bad company 2.
/bf3 serverlist (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 3.
/bf4 serverlist (platform) (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 4.
/bfh serverlist (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield hardline.
/bf1 serverlist (platform) (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 1.
/bf5 serverlist (platform) (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 5.
/bf2042 serverlist (platform) (server name) - List all the servers based on search term for Battlefield 2042 portal.
Recent stat changes:
/bf4 recent (platform) (playername) - See the difference in your battlefield 4 Stats based on the previous time you requested it.
/bf1 recent (platform) (playername) - See the difference in your battlefield 1 Stats based on the previous time you requested it.
/bf5 recent (platform) (playername) - See the difference in your battlefield 5 Stats based on the previous time you requested it.
Player amount of each game:
/bf3 status - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield 3.
/bfh status - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield hardline.
/bf4 status (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield 4.
/bf1 status (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield 1.
/bf5 status (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield 5.
/bf2042 status (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for all regions for Battlefield 2042 portal.
Player amount as graph of each game:
/bf1942 statusgraph - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 1942.
/bf2142 statusgraph (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 2142 (battlefield
/bfvietnam statusgraph (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield Vietnam (qtracker/openspy).
/bf2 statusgraph (platform) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 2 (bf2hub/playbf2).
/bfbc2 statusgraph - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield bad company 2.
/bf3 statusgraph (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 3.
/bfh statusgraph (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield hardline.
/bf4 statusgraph (platform) (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 4.
/bf1 statusgraph (platform) (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 1.
/bf5 statusgraph (platform) (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 5.
/bf2042 statusgraph (platform) (region) - Get the player- / serveramount for 1 region as a graph for Battlefield 2042 portal.
Most popular maps/modes graphs:
/bf1 bestmodes- Get the most popular modes for all regions for Battlefield 1.
/bf1 bestmaps - Get the most popular maps for all regions for Battlefield 1.
/bf5 bestmodes- Get the most popular modes for all regions for Battlefield 5.
/bf5 bestmaps - Get the most popular maps for all regions for Battlefield 5.
Use "me" instead of playername:
/bfsetme - Set the 'me' option within all battlefield commands, so you can use "me" instead of your name
Admin commands:
/checkban (playername) to check if the player is already banned on another server within the group.
/bfsession (playername) Get the most recent stats from a player of our manager.
/bf1 sus (platform) (playername) See if a player has sus. weapon stats on Battlefield 1.
/bf5 sus (platform) (playername) See if a player has sus. weapon stats on Battlefield 5.
/bf1 playerlist (server name) - Show a list of players in a specific server.
/bf5 playerlist (server name) - Show a list of players in a specific server.
/bf2042 playerlist (server name) - Show a list of players in a specific server.
/adminlist - the adminlist of your Battlefield 1 server.
/viplist - the viplist of your Battlefield 1 server.
/vbanlist the vban list of your server manager's group.
/banlist the banlist of your Battlefield 1 server.
/bfchangemap (serveralias) (mapname) - change the map of the server.
/bfkick (playername) (reason) - kick the player of your Battlefield 1 server, it automaticly selects the server he's in.
/bfunban (serveralias) (playername) (reason) - unban the player of your Battlefield 1 server.
/bfban (serveralias) (playername) (reason) - ban the player of your Battlefield 1 server.
/vban (playername) (reason) - vban the player of your group.
/vunban (playername) (reason) - unban the player of your group.
/bfmove (serveralias) (playername) (teamname/id) - move a player to the other team.
/bflogs - Show the logs of your Battlefield 1 servers.
/bfservermode (serveralias) - Get a graph of the most popular gamemode of the server.
/bfservermap (serveralias) - Get a graph of the most popular map of the server.
/bffindclan (tag) - Find players via clantag in your community servers.
seeding system
/seeder joinserver (servername) - Seed a specific server
/seeder broadcastmessage - Broadcast a message to your servers
/seeder changerejoin (true/false) - change if it needs to rejoin on kick, true/false
/seeder leaveserver - Leave the current server
/seeder amount - Amount of active seeders for your group
only if your a administrator of the discord server
/setloggingchannel - Change the current channel to the logging channel.
/setwarningchannel - Change the current channel to the warning channel, this channel will be used to post when people banned elsewhere join your server.
About the Battlefield stats
The stats for battlefield 2 come from the bf2 revive projects: and ,
Details for battlefield 2142 are from and openspy,
Battlefield Vietnam via openspy and qtracker.
All other titels are still managed by EA/Dice.
/mp name - Get info based on a specific server (uses first matching result)
/mp discord - Get the servers based on Discord name + tag
/mp ip - Get the servers based on serverip
/mp info - Get info about all the running servers
Other commands:
/help - The help command
If you want to support us:
For request for changes and issues, use the Community Network discord:
Need access to the api:
more examples of the output