
A framework to help you build meaningful communities.

Community Canvas

The Community Canvas is a framework that helps people and organizations build stronger communities. It provides a template for anyone who brings people together.


The Canvas and its 3 Sections in a nutshell.


The 3 Sections and each of the 17 Themes covered in detail with key questions, further background and observations.

Minimum Viable Community

We created a Minimal Viable Community template, choosing the most crucial 9 questions to start with.


Answer the questions of the Canvas for your own community.

Worksheet Summary

The Visual Summary has all themes and one key question on one page.

Worksheet Doc

The comprehensive Google Doc lists each of the 17 themes with all questions, ideal for choosing what is relevant to your needs and creating your own community strategy. Summary

Improve it & Make it Your Own


We hope that people will take the Community Canvas and make it their own. That’s why we’re releasing it as a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) – which means you can build upon the material, copy and share it for any non-commercial purpose as long as you give credit to community-canvas.org. If you’re unsure about using it or if you have commercial ideas in mind, please message us at team@community-canvas.org. More details on the license can be found here and all files live in this GitHub repo.


We look at the Canvas as work in progress and we are incredibly grateful for any feedback or advice you might have on how we can improve future versions (and a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped develop it so far).

  • How can we make it more valuable and practical for community builders across the globe?
  • What is working for you?
  • What are we missing?
  • What examples would be useful to include?
  • What communities would make good case studies?
  • What research - academic and otherwise - should we look at for further study?

Please feel free to get in touch and already in advance, thank you!