
This repository contains the FastPdfKit library with a sample project. This library allows you to add some of the features of the FastPdf application to your own app, allowing it to support pdf documents. For more information, see the FastPdfKit website.

Update: 1.0.5 (May 19th, 2011)

  • Added two alternative methods in MFDocumentManager for text search and extraction. The methods are -(void)test_searchResultOnPage:(NSUInteger)page forSearchTerms:(NSString *)searchTerms -(void)test_wholeTextForPage:(NSUInteger)page They return the same results of the non _test versions. To use them, replace the occurrence of the older methods in the project, as exemplified in comments of TextSearchOperation's main() method and TextDisplayViewController's selectorWholeTextForPage: method.

Update: 1.0.4 (May 3rd, 2011)

  • Fixed the floating page issue, when the page is changed when zoomed in.

Update: 1.0.3 (May 2nd, 2011)

  • Better handling of the device orientation at startup.

Update: 1.0.2 (Apr 29th, 2011)

  • Fixed a bug where right drawables were not displayed.
  • Zoom animation for setPage:withZoomLevel:onRect: is now correct. Moreover, passing 0 as the level of zoom will let the application try to fit the rect on screen.
  • Fixed a crash when an annotation with an uri shorter than 7 char is found.
  • Added leftPageNumber and rightPageNumber variables to the MFDocumentViewController.
  • Fixed the autoMode on rotation not being considered at startup.

Update: 1.0.1 (Apr 27th, 2011)

  • Replaced URLForResource with pathForResources for 3.X compatibility;
  • Added (float)zoomScale and (CGPoint)zoomOffset methods to MFDocumentViewController to get zoom position;
  • Added support for CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider with method initWithDataProvider:(CGDataProviderRef)provider;
  • Option to remove shadow and render the page fullscreen on MFDocumentViewController using (float)padding and (BOOL)showShadow methods;
  • Fixed another crash with search results.

Update: 1.0 (Apr 19th, 2011)

  • Fixed ignored optional flag for the didChangeMode: callback.
  • Added didReceiveTapOnAnnotationRect:wither:onPage: method. This replaces didReceiveURIRequest:, but the latter is still called.

Update: 1.0RC2 (Apr 6th, 2011)

  • Fixed a crash when the searched string will not fit in the mini search view. Bookmarks not being saved when the popover is dismissed by clicking outside fixed. Double tap to zoom out will now work even when the zoom in has been performed manually. Added a callback to ask the documentviewcontroller delegate if a video will have to autoplay or not. Added page parameter to the double tap annotation callback. Removed a few unneeded logs and minor tweaks.

Update: 1.0RC1 (Mar 8th, 2011)

  • Kiosk application target added. Kiosk is a demo application with a customizable list of document to choose from. Viewer is enhanced with a scrollable list of page thumbnail and nicer interface.

Update: 0.9.5 (Feb 14th, 2011)

  • Early support for type 0 fonts for search and text extraction
  • Fix on bookmarks controller buttons
  • Safer cleanup implementation

Update: 0.9.1 (Feb 3rd, 2011)

  • Added customizable Td, TD, Tm, T* and TJ behaviour with custom profiles. Look at mprofile.h and MFDocumentManager.h
  • Added CMap support for non Type 0 fonts
  • Added FastPdfKit+ whitelist
  • Fixed SearchTableView dequeue bug
  • Added documentation and XCode docset
  • Solved some memory leaks

Update: 0.9.0 (Dec 12th, 2010)

  • Bundle-id protection
  • Customizable interface
  • Added splash image
  • Results table selected words highlighted
  • Small view for rapid results scrubbling
  • Zoom on the found word
  • Fixed first letter highlight bug
  • Supported encoding for every non multibyte font

Update: 0.7.1 (Dec 3rd, 2010)

  • External links support

Update: 0.7.0 (Nov 19th, 2010)

  • Fixed bugs
  • Single page thumbnail creation

Update: 0.6.0 (Nov 17th, 2010)

  • Link support
  • Page screeshots (for thumbnails)
  • Legacy mode for older devices
  • Fixed problems with side buttons

Update: 0.5.0 (Oct 5th, 2010)

  • Added search support
    • Word search
    • Text highlight
    • Text extraction
    • Support for Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 fonts

Base features

  • Fast PDF rendering with side sliding;
  • Internal link support;
  • Search with highlighted results;
  • Text extraction;
  • Legacy or Speedy mode;
  • Embedded PDF thumbnails support;
  • Page thumbnail creation;
  • Page preloading;
  • Large document support;
  • Single, double or auto page modes;
  • Autorotation;
  • Customizable interface;
  • Double tap and pinch to zoom;
  • Landscape and Portrait support;
  • Tap on a side to go forward or backward;
  • Zoom Lock;
  • Auto Zoom;
  • Brightness control;
  • Slider to change page;
  • Bookmarks;
  • Support for password protected documents;
  • Outline - TOC;
  • Full screen view;
  • Partial screen view;
  • Retina display support;
  • Support every iOS version starting from 3.1;
  • Compatible with every iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

How-To use on existing projects

Add required files to existing project

  • Download and extract the last sample project;

  • Open your existing app XCode project, open Project menu and choose Add to Project... ⌥⌘A, then locate FastPdfKit folder inside the downloaded package and click Add, be sure to check Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed);

  • Right click on the Framework group and select Add and then Existing Framework..., then choose QuartzCore.framework from the list and press Add;

Start coding

  • Choose or add a new controller (we will call it LauncherController) to manage pdf documents and in the .h file add and add lines 3 and 7 to the controller

     //  LauncherController.h
     #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
     @class MFDocumentManager;
     @interface LauncherController : UIViewController {
  • Add this code before the @implementation line in the .m file

     #import "MFDocumentManager.h"
     #import "DocumentViewController.h"
     #define DOC_PLAIN @"gitmanual"
  • Implement at least this method in the .m file

     //  LauncherController.m
     -(IBAction)actionOpenPlainDocument:(id)sender {
         NSString *documentPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:DOC_PLAIN ofType:@"pdf"];
         NSURL *documentUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:documentPath];	
         MFDocumentManager *aDocManager = [[MFDocumentManager alloc]initWithFileUrl:documentUrl];
         DocumentViewController *aDocViewController = [[DocumentViewController alloc]initWithDocumentManager:aDocManager];
         [self presentModalViewController:aDocViewController animated:YES]; 
         [aDocViewController release];
  • Now call the above action to open the pdf. You can find the code above with comments in the BasicLauncherController class.

Within FastPdfKit folder there are many other sample controllers (in the Controllers group) where you can find methods (heavily commented) to manage every feature.

If you have any other question please post it in the Forum