SuperTheme is the best way to use SCSS, JS, CoffeeScript with Contao CMS.
- 1
hot reload
#23 opened by henobi - 5
Fehler beim Einbinden einer Datei in eine Seite
#21 opened by basistom - 2
- 6
- 0
Update to latest "leafo/scssphp" version
#18 opened by henobi - 0
Installation über den Contao Manager
#17 opened by Dock1973 - 1
- 1
- 4
two different CSS collections?
#14 opened by fritzmg - 2
use mrclay/minify instead of yui
#13 opened by fritzmg - 1
tl_layout conflict
#12 opened by reluem - 0
- 0
Contao 4 support
#10 opened - 4
Supertheme und Contao 3.5.5
#11 opened by michelbalzer - 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
#5 opened - 1
Javascripts Files not visible
#7 opened by luger95 - 1
JavaScript is not updated
#3 opened by Lixus - 6
When updating an imported stylesheet in scss, the compiled stylesheet is not updated
#1 opened by Lixus - 3
Order of stylesheets / javascripts
#2 opened by Lixus