
Scientific visualization tutorials using Paraview

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Scientific Visualization

This repository contains a collection of useful Paraview skills for scientific visualization that I've developed and condensed into one place. I've used the default MacOS keyboard shortcuts in this collection for brevity. If you are using a different operating system, the corresponding shortcuts can easily be found via a quick Google search. I've also assumed that anyone using this collection has the most recent version of Paraview. Here's an example visualization of inviscid flow over an airfoil from a simulation run with 2.25 billion grid cells.

Airfoil Example
Example Visualization (full video)

Table of Contents

General Visualization

Three Steps to Nicer Visualization

Creating an Animation

FFMPEG Cheat Sheet

Remote Visualization

Interactive Visualization on Phoenix

General Interactive Visualization

Paraview Filters


Volume Rendering

Coming soon!

Ray Tracing

Coming soon!

Have something to contribute? See the contributing guidelines here.

Additional Resources

Additional resources can be found in Paraview's documentation Here