
The GitHub repository containing all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna (a.a. 2022/2023).

Computational Thinking and Programming

This space contains all the material related to the Computational Thinking and Programming course of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge degree at the University of Bologna.

Academic year 2022/2023

Table of content

Book and notes

The official book of the course, Computational Thinking and Programming book, is available online in PDF format. Google Docs links are provided for each chapter, to enable students to comment and suggest improvements. The suggested accompanying book for Python coding, How To Code in Python by Lisa Tagliaferri, is also freely available online in PDF and EPUB formats.



  • the = theoretical lecture
  • lab = laboratory session
  1. [12/10/22, the] Introduction to the course
  2. [14/10/22, the] Introduction to Computational Thinking
  3. [17/10/22, the] Algorithms
  4. [19/10/22, lab] 1st Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  5. [21/10/22, the] Computability
  6. [24/10/22, the] Programming languages
    • book chapter: PDF, Google Docs
    • slides: HTML
    • from How To Code in Python:
      • Chapter "Understanding Data Types": introductory paragraphs and sections "Background", "Numbers", "Floating-Point Numbers", "Booleans", "Strings"
      • Chapter "How To Use Variables": introductory paragraphs and sections "Understadning Variables", "Naming Variables: Rules and Style", "Reassigning Variables", "Multiple Assignment"
      • Chapter "Understanding Boolean Logic": all content
      • Chapter "How To Write Conditional Statements": all content
      • Chapter "How To Define Functions": introductory paragraphs and sections "Defining a Function", "Working with Parameters", "Returning a Value"
    • Python: first_algorithm_empty.py, first_algorithm_no_assignments.py, first_algorithm.py
    • exercises: 1, 2, 3
    • solutions: 1, 2, 3

  7. [26/10/22, lab] 2nd Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  8. [28/10/22, the] Organising information: ordered structures
  9. [09/11/22, the] Brute-force algorithms
  10. [11/11/22, lab] 3rd Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  11. [14/11/22, the] Organising information: unordered structures
  12. [16/11/22, lab] 4th Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  13. [21/11/22, the] Recursion
  14. [23/11/22, the] Divide and conquer algorithms
  15. [28/11/22, lab] 5th Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  16. [30/11/22, the] Dynamic programming algorithms
  17. [05/12/22, lab] 6th Lesson
    • book chapter: HTML

  18. [12/12/22, the] Organising information: trees
  19. [14/12/22, the] Backtracking algorithms
  20. [19/12/22, the] Organising information: graphs
  21. [21/12/22, the] Greedy algorithms


12/10/2209:30-11:30Introduction to the course
14/10/2212:30-14:30Introduction to Computational Thinking
19/10/2209:30-11:301st Lesson
24/10/2209:30-11:30Programming languages
26/10/2209:30-11:302nd Lesson
28/10/2212:30-14:30Organising information: ordered structures
09/11/2209:30-11:30Brute-force algorithms
11/11/2212:30-14:303rd Lesson
14/11/2209:30-11:30Organising information: unordered structures
16/11/2209:30-11:304th Lesson
23/11/2209:30-11:30Divide and conquer algorithms
28/11/2209:30-11:305th Lesson
30/11/2209:30-11:30Dynamic programming algorithms
05/12/2209:30-11:306th Lesson
12/12/2209:30-11:30Organising information: trees
14/12/2209:30-11:30Backtracking algorithms
19/12/2209:30-11:30Organising information: graphs
21/12/2209:30-11:30Greedy algorithms
