
A command line tool for uploading static websites to amazon/rackspace.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem provides a command line tool for uploading static websites to amazon/rackspace.


  • Compares the md5 cheksum of each file before deciding to upload it.
  • Automatically gzips non binary files.
  • Sets appropriate HTTP metadata header information for serving html files.
    • Content Type (text/css, image/png etc).
    • Cache Control (public, max-age=31536000).
    • Content Enconding (gzip).


  • Ruby 1.9


  gem install static_sync

Example Command Line Usage

In your project directory create a .static file:

# What to upload
  directory: build

# Where to upload
  provider: AWS
  region: ap-southeast-2
  username: my-aws-key
  password: my-aws-secret
  directory: my-aws-bucket

# Everything below this line is optional.

# What not to upload (ruby regular expression).
ignored: (psd|gz)$

# Number of seconds to cache each content type, defaults to no cache.
  html: 31536000
  javascript: 31536000
  css: 31536000
  image: 31536000

# If you wish to prevent modification of existing files.
# conflict_mode: 'fail'

# If you wish to prevent modification of existing files that are cached.
# conflict_mode: 'fail_if_cached'

And simply run the following command any time you want to upload.


Example Ruby Project Usage

Very similar to the command line version except options can passed as a hash instead of being read from .static

require 'static_sync'

  'local' => {
  'remote' => {

Environment Variables

You can reference environment variables in your .static file like this:

  provider: AWS
  username: <%= ENV['S3_KEY'] %>
  password: <%= ENV['S3_SECRET'] %>
  directory: <%= ENV['S3_BUCKET'] %>


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request