
Scala repo

Primary LanguageScala

Stratio Common Library

This scala repository is a common library developed in Scala for use libraries with common features, this can be used in all Stratio Modules. Now is possible to create some generic modules:

  • Repositories
  • Logger
  • Configuration

Appart from these modules, a functional package has been added in order to provide some extended functionality regarding scala collections and functional utilities.


  • Zookeeper:

    Public interface and functions for use Zookeeper as a Repository Component


  • Slf4j:

    Public interface and functions for use SLF4J library as a Logger Component

  • Spark:

    Public interface and functions for use the Spark Logger interface as a Logger Component, internally use SLF4J library.


  • TypeSafe:

    Public interface and functions for use Typesafe configuration library as a Config Component

Metrics - time

It allows measuring the time that took executing certain block code. You can instantiate it by extending an implementation of TimeComponent:

object MyModule extends SystemClockTimeComponent

You can measure the time and get the result of evaluating some T expression:

import MyModule._
val (result, timeItTook) = time(2 + 2)

Or just evaluate the time, ignoring the result:

import MyModule._
val duration = justTime {
  println(2 + 2)

Functional utilities

Anonymous iterators

These functional package iterator functions allow defining anonymous iterators with higher kinded functions.

A StatefulIterator keeps track of its internal state, and allows defining the way to retrieve a new element from the iterator based on the internal state:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatefulIterator[String,Int] =
    _ < 10,
    state => (state + 1, Random.nextString(state)))

Have in mind that the signature implies defining:

  • the initial internal state
  • the hasNext function regarding the internal current state
  • the next function that, besides returning an element, mutates the iterator internal state.

You can also create a stateful iterator with the initial state and a next function that optionally might make the iterator stop:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatefulIterator[String,Int] =
    state => Option((state + 1, Random.nextString(state)).find(_ => state < 10))

A StatelessIterator allows defining the way to retrieve a new element from the iterator. It's actually an Iterator[Option[T]] with some apply helpers. As well as StatefulIterator worked, you can define both hasNext and next functions:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatelessIterator[String] =

...or just define a single function that optionally might make the iterator stop:

import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._
val ite: StatelessIterator[String] =
    if (database.hasResults()) Option(database.read())
    else None)

Reflect type utilities

It provides a fancy DSL (so an easy way) to determine type equality in Scala.


import scala.reflect.classTag
import com.stratio.common.utils.functional._

class Kid
class Daddy extends Kid
class Grandpa extends Daddy

classTag[Kid].isA[Kid] //true
classTag[Kid].isA[Daddy] //false
classTag[Daddy].isA[Grandpa] //false
classTag[Grandpa].isA[Kid] //true

classTag[Kid].isExactlyA[Kid] //true
classTag[Kid].isExactlyA[Daddy] //false
classTag[Daddy].isExactlyA[Grandpa] //false
classTag[Grandpa].isExactlyA[Grandpa] //true

It also works providing the Class with classOf[Kid] instead of the ClassTag.