
Nurbs for compas solid shapes equivalent

yck011522 opened this issue · 0 comments

Feature Request

As a [user], I want [to have compas_nurbs equivalent of compas.geometry.shapes] so that [I can easily swap my code from mesh to nurbs].


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I have already been using compas shapes such as Box and Cylinder to construct complex geometries, using compas_cgal for boolean. I do that solely for the purpose of visualization. However if I want to export a nurbs representation in Rhino (or solid model in general) with perfectly round holes for fabrication, there is no compas-way to do so at the moment.

Describe the solution you'd like
I want to have compas_nurbs.Box , compas_nurbs.Cylinder that has either same constructor signature as the compas.geometry equivalent or have a constructor that converts a compas.geometry equivalent to compas_nurbs equivalent.

I also want compas_nurbs to be able to perform boolean operations (maybe using Rhino as backend). Resulting in polysurfaces that I'm able to json serialize and Artist.draw() in Rhino as polysurface.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I have to rewrite my solid modeling code with RhinoPython / RhinoScriptSyntax / RhinoCommons library with Rhino performing boolean.