
Vagrant box to install elasticsearch, logstash and kibana using ansible for provisioning

Primary LanguageShell

This vagrant box installs elasticsearch 2.1, logstash 2.1 and kibana 4.3 This is meant to replace the old Vagrant ELK box, where provisioning by puppet has been replaced by ansible.


VirtualBox and Vagrant (minimum version 1.6) Other providers, like VMWare may work, not tested!

Checkout the project

This repo uses git submodules. To clone the repo, use the --recurse-submodules option. The submodules contain role definitions and nothing will work without that, unfortunately.

git clone --recurse-submodules  https://github.com/comperiosearch/vagrant-elk-box-ansible.git

If you need to pull in latest changes, please uses

 git pull --recurse-submodules
 git submodule update --init --recursive

Up and SSH

To start the vagrant box run:

vagrant up

To log in to the machine run:

vagrant ssh

Elasticsearch will be available on the host machine at http://localhost:9200/

Kibana at http://localhost:5601/

Sense, the wonderful elasticsearch query machine is found at http://localhost:5601/app/sense


Installed via debian package, started on boot. Controlled by

 sudo service elasticsearch


Installed via debian package, started on boot. Controlled by

 sudo service logstash

Some sample Logstash data is installed on provisioning. Reading in log lines from include/example-logs/testlog


Controlled by

sudo service kibana

Ansible provisioning

Ansible is installed on the guest machine by the setup.sh bash script which is run as part of vagrant provisioning. Vagrant does actually have a "built-in" provisioner for ansible, but it runs on the host machine, making that option unavailable on windows. Myself being one of the unfortunate we roll our own setup installing ansible on the guest machine. The last step in the provisioning script is running the playbook located at provisioning/playbook.yml.

The code for the Ansible init script was heavily inspired by this blog http://akrabat.com/provisioning-with-ansible-within-the-vagrant-guest/