
Open Source HTML5 Puzzle Game Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Play MML music in PuzzleScript. you can use them as BGM or SFX.

MML https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Macro_Language

MMLEmitter https://github.com/mohayonao/mml-emitter (MIT License)

New Features:

Added MUSIC Section

To write and play MML music in game. Use bgm0 to bgm999; You can also use the same keywords as in the SOUNDS section. You can choose 4 simple tones(sine, square, sawtooth, triangle).

CTRL + Click the underlined MML text to play a song [Volume Attention!]. CTRL + Q to stop the music (or click Stop MML buttons at sfx-buttons-bar).

No error message is shown in editor console if your MML is wrong. watch browser's console log. (Search "SyntaxError: Unexpected token: xx")

(Why is the section name plural?)


do_not_stop_music_on_restart to continue the BGM even when you press a Restart key. It is useful for Background music.

SOUNDS Section

Now you also use sfx0 to sfx999.

RULES Section

Right-hand Side stopmusic will stop all the music in game instantly.

How to use:

(1) Add MUSIC section after SOUNDS section.

(2) Select bgm0 - bgm999 and write MML between " " in 1-line. See also MML Editor.

(3) [Volume Attention!] CTRL + Click the underlined MML text to play a song in editor.

(4) To stop MML, Click STOP MML in the sound-bar or CTRL + Q. All music stop even in-game BGM.


bgm0 "t120v40q1o3l8@1 $[cgb][f>ce][eb>d][<b>f>ce];t120v30q100o5l4@4 $g^rde^rc<b^r>c8d8<g^^r a^r>cd^rc<g^ra8>c8e^^r"

bgm1 "$t140q5v50 /:o4l16bag+a>c8r8dc<b>ce8r8fed+ebag+abag+a>c4<a8>c8<l8[gb][f+a][eg][f+a][gb][f+a][eg][f+a][gb][f+a][eg][d+f+]e4:/ /:o5[ce][df][eg][eg]a16g16f16e16[<b>d]4[ce][df][eg][eg]a16g16f16e16[<b>d]4[<a>c][<b>d][ce][ce]f16e16d16c16<[g+b]4[a>c][b>d]>[ce][ce]f16e16d16c16<[g+b]4l16bag+a>c8r8dc<b>ce8r8fed+ebag+abag+al8>c4<ab>c<bag+aefdc4<b8.a32b32a4 :/ ;$t140q50v30/:o3l8r4a>[ce][ce][ce]<a>[ce][ce][ce]<a>[ce]<a>[ce]<a>[ce][ce][ce]<e[b>e][b>e][b>e]e[b>e][b>e][b>e]e[b>e]<b>be4:/ /:o3r4c>c<e>e<g>g<r4c>c<e>e<g4r4<a>ac>c<e>e<r4<a>ac>c<e4r4a>[ce][ce][ce]<a>[ce][ce][ce]<a>[ce]<a>[ce]<f[a>d+][a>d+][a>d+]e[ae]d[fb]c[ea]d[fb][ea][ea][eg+][eg+][<a>a]4:/;"

Use as a SFX!

endlevel "t200l16q1o7 c>c>c"

MML Commands:

For example, bgm0 "t120 v80 l8 o4 cdefg^^r > gfedc^^r" represents tempo=120 volume=80 note-length=8 octave=4 and plays following notes: o4 cdefg--, o5 gfedc--,.

See MML Editor

SHARE link

Can't do this

  • Keep BGM playing when a level changed.

  • Multiple line MML Use MML Editor's "Convert to 1-line" button instead!

Known bugs

  • When you click EXPORT or SHARE your file, titlescreen BGM doesn't be played, because of "Autoplay policy" of your browser (You need to interact (click, tap, etc.) to allow the audio.) But when you upload this html file for itch.io or somewhere, and if you "click to start" the game, it will work correctly.

See Also