轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来 —— 徐志摩《再别康桥》
Very quietly I take my leave, As quietly as I came here —— Xu Zhimo 《Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again》
This library support noninvasive hook into functions.
For now, only functions of a Class or a Object can be hooked.
Support insert code before/after functions. Or replace whole function directly.
Suppose that we have a class like:
class SealedClass {
sum(a, b) {
return a + b
We can print it's arguments before execution without touching source code.
const cam = require('@compilelife/cambridge')
cam.before(SealedClass, 'sum', (thiz, ...args)=>{
console.log('called sum with arguments:', ...args)
const obj = new SealedClass()
obj.sum(1, 2)
//console output
//called sum with arguments: 1 2
Similarly, we can print it's return value after execution.
cam.after(SealedClass, 'sum', (thiz, ret)=>{
console.log('called sum returns', ret)
const obj = new SealedClass()
obj.sum(1, 2)
//console output
//called sum returns 3
If you want to 'wrap' a function, just replace it.
cam.replace(SealedClass, 'sum', (thiz, func, ...args)=>{
console.log('called sum with arguments:', ...args)
const ret = func.call(thiz, ...args)
console.log('then returns', ret)
const obj = new SealedClass()
obj.sum(1, 2)
//console output
//called sum with arguments: 1 2
//then returns 3
Hook Object vs Hook Class
Examples above inject callback into proptotype of class, thus all instance would call the callback
cam.before(SealedClass, 'sum', (thiz, ...args)=>{
console.log('called sum with arguments:', ...args)
const o1 = new SealedClass()
o1.sum(1, 2)
const o2 = new SealedClass()
o2.sum(2, 3)
//console output
//called sum with arguments: 1 2
//called sum with arguments: 2 3
We can also hook to a specific instance
const o1 = new SealedClass()
cam.before(o1, 'sum', (thiz, ...args)=>{
console.log('called sum with arguments:', ...args)
o1.sum(1, 2)
const o2 = new SealedClass()
o2.sum(2, 3)
//console output
//called sum with arguments: 1 2
一些戏法(Some tricks)
- 你可以用来做函数的入参合法性检查
- You can check target's arguments in callback
- 你可以在修改第三方库源码的情况下改变它的行为
- You can change external library's behavior without modify it's code
- 你可以用来调试目标函数
- You can debug target function
- 你可以用来做日志插桩
- You can log target function
Having fun~