
Linux system monitor project

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Linux Monitor

A text-based graphical output program to monitor Linux system. Application parses proc filesystem (an interface to kernel data structures) to retrieve information and format it using ncurses.

System Monitor


ncurses is a library that facilitates text-based graphical output in the terminal. This project relies on ncurses for display output.

To install ncurses within your own Linux environment: sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev


This project uses Make. The Makefile has four targets:

  • build compiles the source code and generates an executable
  • format applies ClangFormat to style the source code
  • debug compiles the source code and generates an executable, including debugging symbols
  • clean deletes the build/ directory, including all of the build artifacts

Compile and Run

  1. Clone the project repository: git clone git@github.com:compilepeace/LinuxMonitor.git

  2. Build the project: make build

  3. Run the resulting executable: ./build/monitor Starting System Monitor

  4. Implemented System, Process, and Processor classes, as well as functions within the LinuxParser namespace.

Software Design

Project Starter Code

Starter code for this repository can be found at https://github.com/udacity/CppND-System-Monitor-Project-Updated.git.