
create chart:

var xsval={}; xsval["layout"]="x1"; var colval=[]; colval.push(['x1',$scope.facilities[0].fwidth,800,0,0]); colval.push(['layout',$scope.facilities[0].flength,0,0,$scope.facilities[0].flength]); for ( equip in $scope.facilities[0].equipment) { var e = $scope.facilities[0].equipment[equip]; xsval[e.equipmentname]=(e.equipmentname+"x"); colval.push([e.equipmentname+"x",e.locationx]); colval.push([e.equipmentname,e.locationy]); }; $scope.chart = c3.generate({ bindto: '#chart', data: { xs:xsval, columns:colval, }, axis: { y: { max:400, min: 0, padding: {top:0, bottom:0} }, x:{ max:800, min: 0, padding: {top:0, bottom:0} }

    grid: {
        x: {
            show: true
        y: {
            show: true
size: {
    height: 240,
    width: 500


different layout based on screen width:

<style type="text/css"> @media only screen and (min-device-width : 640px) { #dd{ visibility: hidden; } } @media only screen and (max-device-width : 639px) { body { background-color: #00ff00; } #dd2{ visibility: hidden; } } </style>