
Background wallpaper slide show maker for Ubuntu

Primary LanguagePython


wallb is wallpaper background slideshow maker for Ubuntu and derivatives

install wallb and use it to make wallpaper slideshows

use wallb --help for options

$ python wallb --help
usage: wallb [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-s STATIC] [-t TRANSITION] [-v] name

Make background wallpaper slideshow

positional arguments:
  name                  name of slideshow

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        directory containing images
  -s STATIC, --static STATIC
                        static time intevral in seconds
  -t TRANSITION, --transition TRANSITION
                        transition time intevral in seconds
  -v, --verbose         verbose

sudo permissions might be needed to create directory and files


wallb creates /usr/share/backgrounds/{name} directory,

/usr/share/backgrounds/contest/{name}.xml and
