LLVM IR CMake utils for bitcode file manipulation by opt and friends
- 1
use cmake generate expression to simplify some jobs
#37 opened by WuTUT - 0
- 3
Example 3: No bytecode generation
#33 opened by nbruns1 - 2
How to support px4 compilation?
#31 opened by Lqs66 - 1
Add github workflow support
#30 opened by compor - 1
Add travis-ci support
#13 opened by compor - 13
- 6
- 1
Fix debug messages
#27 opened by tandf - 9
Adding source code files from linked libraries
#25 opened by tandf - 5
Skip header files in llvmir_attach_bc_target
#24 opened by tandf - 3
Linking a LLVMIR library
#21 opened by jgollenz - 6
CMake configuration error
#19 opened by juanfgarcia - 0
Add issue raising template
#20 opened by compor - 3
- 1
Link related properties are not propagated
#16 opened by compor - 4
- 0
- 0
Add RST documentation
#12 opened by compor - 1
Allow custom 'clean' targets for bitcode generation to work with other generators
#11 opened by compor - 0
Fortify uses of paths with native path conversion
#10 opened by compor - 1
support for cmake's 3.1+ compile features
#9 opened by compor - 1
add example(s) in README file
#1 opened by compor - 1
- 1
target definitions do not trickle down to LLVM IR executable and library definitions
#7 opened by compor - 1
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- 1
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determine minimum cmake version requirements
#2 opened by compor - 1
add packaging and versioning
#3 opened by compor