
A repository of examples of how to use @composi/core.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

@composi/core Examples

This repository contains examples of using @composi/core. Some are very simple and some are more complex. You can download the repository, then using your terminal cd to a project folder and install the project dependencies by running:

npm i

After that you can run the project with:

npm start

1-Simple Projects

  1. image-viewer
  2. slideshow
  3. movie-cards
  4. clock
  5. counter
  6. counters
  7. composi-in-browser

2-Complex Projects

  1. rick-n-morty
  2. hacker-news-minimal
  3. masterminds
  4. todo-list
  5. temperature-converter
  6. spreadsheet
  7. tic-tac-toe
  8. tour-of-heroes
  9. tour-of-heros tagged-union

In Browseer Experience

One of the simple projects, composi-in-browser, shows how to use @composi/core in the browser. This takes advantage of the fact that modern browsers can now import ES6 modules. The project just needs to be run in the browser using a server such as NPM's http-server.