A curated list of awesome things related to Composi
- Utilites
- Ajax
- State Management
- Third Party Frameworks
- Articles
- Github Examples
- Codepen Examples
- Contributing
- stylor - A module that creates virtual stylesheets for component-scoped styles.
- pubber - A tiny pubsub library for communication between components
- taggers - Module that enabled use of named hyperscript tags as an alternative to JSX.
- Native Fetch
- unfetch - A tiny polyfill for Fetch.
- Axios - Similar to JQuery Ajax request.
- Redux - Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
- Mobx - MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming.
- GraphQL - GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- Apollo - Apollo provides a universal GraphQL API on top of your existing services, so you can build new application features fast without waiting on backend changes.
- State Machine - State Machine is a library for managing a finite set of states, and moving between them via actions and transitions.
- Material Design Lite - Material Design Lite includes new versions of common user interface controls such as buttons, check boxes, and text fields, adapted to follow Google's Material Design concepts.
- Bootstrap - Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library.
Composi does not have its own router. That is beyond the scope of the aim of the project. However, we do have a separate router that we like to use with Composi called composi-router. Example of usage: Tour of Heroes
You could also use any of the following popular client side routing libraries:
- Composi — A Small & Fast Component Library
- Comparing React and Composi
- Reactive Components in 3KB
- The Power of Extending Component
- Composi & Redux
- Composi & Mobx
- Spreadsheet - Simple spreadsheet example.
- Material Design Lite - Buttons, card and dialog box.
- Material Design Lite - Form inputs and list.
- Temperature Converter - Example of lift state up to parent component. This converts between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
- Canvas Clock - A canvas clock created by a component.
- SVG Clock - Swiss style clock using SVG generated by component.
- Calculator - A simple calculator.
- Tic-Tac-Toe - An example of immutable data with time travel.
- Coin Toss - A Coin Toss component, just because we can.
- Dancing Pythagoras Tree - Animated SVG tree using D3.
- Image Browser with Popups - An image browser that lets you popup the images like a light table.
- Hacker News Minimal - A minimal implementation of Hacker New that lets you sort be popularity.
- Tour of Heroes - The famour Angular Tour of Heroes project converted to use Composi. This also uses Routie for client side routing, which conditional loads subcomponents.
- Composi Slideshow - A simple, animated slideshow.
- Rick and Morty - A site to explore Rick-n-Morty cartoon characters.
- Counters - Dynamically add or delete multiple counters and get their total.
- Temperature Converter - Converts temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius, while showing the boiling point.
- Spreadsheet - A simple spreadsheet solution. You can add or delete items.
- Canvas Clock - A simple animated clock drawn with canvas element.
- Svg Clock - A simple animated clock rendered with SVG.
- Calculator - An example of a basic calculator for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Todo List - TodoMVC without the MVC. Refactored as a component.
- Tic-Tac-Toe - This shows how to keep component state immutable for time travel.
- Pythagoras Dancing Tree - An animtated SVG tree using D3.
- Image Browser - This is a basic image browser with a popup for closer view of image.
- Hacker News Minimal - This is a minimalistic Hacker News viewer. You can sort by popularity or rest to original order.
- Tour of Heroes - The Angular Tour of Heroes project converted to using Composi, complete with client-side routing to conitionally render components.
- Composi Slideshow - A simple, animated slideshow.
- Rick and Morty - A site to explore Rick-n-Morty cartoon characters.
To contribute, fork this repository, add your amazing entry and send us a PR. See CONTRIBUTING for more information.