
CompoundJS + Socket.IO

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Socket.IO bindings for CompoundJS


npm install co-socket --save

then add co-socket to config/autoload.js


Add routes to config/routes.js

map.socket('some-event', 'controller#action');

When client emit event some-event, then action action of controller controller will gain control. Data passed to the event will be available as params variable. Calling send will call the callback to the current socket.

socket() method is available in any controller

action('some-action', function () {
    socket().emit('event', {some: 'data'}); // send 'event' to all clients in current session
    socket(anotherSessionID).emit('hello'); // send 'hello' to another user
                                            // identified by anotherSessionID

    var clients = socket().connected;       // list of current session clients
    clients.forEach(function (client) {
        client.join('room');                // all current session clients join a room

Any controller action (both socket and non-socket) can emit some event with any client.

Responding to the current request

Server side:


action('join', function () {
    send({ foo: 'bar' });

Client side:

socket.emit('join', {}, function (data) {
    console.log(data.foo); // bar

Inner structure

All socket.io connections automatically join a room named after the compound sessionID. If you want to communicate with another user you can specify their sessionID as param for the socket method.
