
Software Developed for the 2008 papers "Customized reconfigurable interconnection networks for multiple application socs" and "Algorithms and implementation for interconnection graph problem"

Primary LanguageC


This repository has the source code that was developed for the two papers aiming to help solve the FPGA placement problem. I was a co-author early in my MSc and wrote all of the code for the papers and contributed to some of the algorithmic and implementation specific details in the paper. "Customized reconfigurable interconnection networks for multiple application socs" and "Algorithms and implementation for interconnection graph problem"

November 25, 2015 - 2nd Commit

Updates were made so that the code runs using a Makefile and gcc. It was tested and runs correctly in Linux. I assume it will also compile properly in a cygwin environment in windows. Currently tested with Ubuntu 15.10 and gcc-4.9.2.

November 25, 2015 - 1st Commit

This version of the code is the original code for the paper. I think it was compiled on windows using Geany (and likely a c compiler from cygwin or some type of visual studio, codeblocks or some other weird windows environment I was using at the time. I tested it today on linux using geany again but it does not seem to compile correctly.