
Based off myoung34's container but adds java + android sdk

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Based off https://github.com/myoung34/docker-github-actions-runner but adds the android sdk into the container so we don't need to run the setup-android action every time from: https://github.com/android-actions/setup-android

NB: android sdk requires java to be installed, so the container will also have this installed too, which means we can also avoid running the setup-java action in workflows: https://github.com/actions/setup-java

This will have the downside that github actions java version matrices may not work well, will need to look into that more.

To run the container, check out the environment variables from the base image: https://github.com/myoung34/docker-github-actions-runner#environment-variables

There is also an example docker-compose file which uses .env file to set the variables.


docker build -f Dockerfile .

There are several build args:

ARG VERSION=2.294.0-ubuntu-focal
ARG SDK_TOOLS=8512546_latest
ARG ANDROID_ROOT=/usr/local/lib/android

which can be set as follows: docker build --build-arg VERSION=<some version> --build-arg JAVA_VERSION=<some java version> -f Dockerfile .
