
Simple C# written code to send messages embeds and files using discord webhooks

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Simple C# written code to send messages embeds and files using discord webhooks


If you are using the .NET Framework version, you need to add NewtonSoft.Json to references.

Code usage

Importing webhook code

using Discord;
using Discord.Webhook;

Creating webhook

DiscordWebhook hook = new DiscordWebhook();
hook.Url = "https://discordapp.com/hook-url";

Creating message

DiscordMessage message = new DiscordMessage();
message.Content = "Example message, ping @everyone, <@userid>";
message.TTS = true; //read message to everyone on the channel
message.Username = "Webhook username";
message.AvatarUrl = "http://url-of-image";

DiscordEmbed embed = new DiscordEmbed();
embed.Title = "Embed title";
embed.Description = "Embed description";
embed.Url = "Embed Url";
embed.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
embed.Color = Color.Red; //alpha will be ignored, you can use any RGB color
embed.Footer = new EmbedFooter() {Text="Footer Text", IconUrl="http://url-of-image"};
embed.Image = new EmbedMedia() {Url="Media URL", Width=150, Height=150}; //valid for thumb and video
embed.Provider = new EmbedProvider() {Name="Provider Name", Url="Provider Url"};
embed.Author = new EmbedAuthor() {Name="Author Name", Url="Author Url", IconUrl="http://url-of-image"};

embed.Fields = new List<EmbedField>();
embed.Fields.Add(new EmbedField() {Name="Field Name", Value="Field Value", InLine=true });
embed.Fields.Add(new EmbedField() {Name="Field Name 2", Value="Field Value 2", InLine=true });

//set embed
message.Embeds = new List<DiscordEmbed>();

Sending message


hook.Send(message, new FileInfo("C:/File/Path.file"));