Configuring the build

Setup Yocto environment

  • WorkDir:
mkdir compulab-nxp-bsp && cd compulab-nxp-bsp
  • Set a CompuLab machine:
export MACHINE=ucm-imx93

Initialize repo manifests

  • NXP
repo init -u -b imx-linux-kirkstone -m imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml
  • CompuLab
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
wget --directory-prefix .repo/local_manifests
  • Sync Them all
repo sync

Setup build environment

  • Initialize the build environment:
source compulab-setup-env -b build-${MACHINE}

Building full rootfs image:

  • Build command
bitbake -k imx-image-full
  • binary file location : ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE}/imx-image-full-${MACHINE}.wic.bz2


Create a live SD card

cd ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE}
  • Deploy the image:
sudo zstd -dc imx-image-full-${MACHINE}-*.rootfs.wic.zst | sudo dd bs=1M status=progress of=/dev/sdX

Optional targets

  • Building bootloader only:

  • Build command

bitbake -k imx-boot
  • binary file location : ${BUILDDIR}/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE}/imx-boot-tagged