
This is an experiment to see how different browsers scroll widgets into view.

Try the live demo here.

Experiment result

✔️ indicates browser will scroll widget into the view when focus by TAB.

❌ indicates browser will not scroll widget into the view when focus by TAB.

Widget Condition Chrome 103 Edge 105 Firefox 103 Safari 15 (macOS)
<button> Partially on-screen
Completely off-screen ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
<input type="text"> Partially on-screen ✔️ ✔️
Completely off-screen ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Note: For Safari, we use OPTION + TAB to focus on <button>.


All modern browsers will scroll widgets into the view if they are completely off-screen. Partially off-screen widgets are generally not scrolled into the view.

However, if the partially off-screen widgets is a text box, Chrome and Edge will scroll them into the view. And Firefox and Safari will not scroll.


Edge 105


Firefox 103



Patterns are from https://heropatterns.com/, under CC BY 4.0.