
Glue for SPIFFS

timothyjohncarney opened this issue · 5 comments

I have adapted this project for use with SPIFFS.

In order to do so, I needed to make a few changes.

  1. Statically allocate the LocalBuffers to reduce call stack usage.
  2. Remove case-insensitive search as it is not C99 compatible.
  3. Add a wrapper function to SPIFFS file read API to behave like fgets.

I am willing to share my changes, but I am unsure if these changes are of interest. I believe the first change will break the reentrancy. Some locking mechanism is necessary to guarantee reentrancy after moving the buffers off of the call stack. Furthermore, removing support for case-insensitive search seems like a step in the wrong direction.

Please advise and thank you for your work.



The string-insensitive comparison was not C99 compatible, but I did find PORTABLE_STRNICMP since my last message, so I do not think that is a concern.

I am using FreeRTOS, but I still have limited RAM so I am unable to support the large buffers on the call stack. I have declared the buffers as static and that allows me to run without allocating as much RAM to the call stack of each task I wish to use with minIni.



I am happy to push the changes I made to a feature branch and create a pull request. Would you please grant me push access to the repository so that I may contribute those files?



I have pushed my changes for review.

Thank you,