Post-SICSS Research Workshop: 21-25 June 2021

In the week after SICSS-Zurich, there will be an in-person week in Zurich that we strongly encourage you to attend. Formally, this is an event separate from SICSS-Zurich, but we strongly encourage all SICSS-Zurich participants to also attend the post-SICSS in person week. This post-SICSS week focuses on participant-led group research projects. It offers an ideal opportunity to apply your newly acquired skills from the online week and to connect to other researchers who are interested in Computational Social Science.

Throughout this week, you will be working on a research proposal (in groups). At the end of the week, all groups present their proposal. The best proposal wins a seed project grant of CHF 1,500.

About this repo

We will use this GitHub repo to share information about the Post-SICSS Research Workshop with you.

Pre-event preparation

  • Please prepare a short presentation of your research interests (not more than 5 to 7 minutes). This presentation should give an idea of who you are, what you have been working on so far, and in which direction you would like to develop. It is meant for participants to find their teammates for the research proposal more easily.
  • Of course, you can start thinking about ideas that you could develop with your teammates during the Post-SICSS Research Workshop.


All events will take place at ETH Zurich, IFW building (Haldeneggsteig 4). We will meet in room RZ F 21

Preliminary schedule


Objective: group formation

  • 09:30-09:45: Opening of the Research Workshop;
  • 09:45-10:30: Participants give short presentations about themselves & their research interests: centralized hybrid session on our Zoom room
  • 10:30-11:00: Coffee break (offline)
  • 11:00-12:00: Speed dating and group debrief
  • 12:00-13:00: Lunch
  • 13:00-14:00: Decentralized brainstorming on the padlet
  • 14:00-17:30: Group formation and first discussions (decenteralized: those who want to participate remotely should indicate this on Slack, in order to coordinate with their groups)
  • 18:00 and later: Apéro at Frau Gerold's

Tuesday to Thursday

On Tue, Wed, and Thu, there will be no official program during the day. We will provide you with a space where you can work on your research proposal with your team. Also, the organizers (Elliott, Malka, and Philine) will be around for feedback on your proposals. Every evening (from 17:00 to 18:00) there will be a guest lecture (followed by an optional social activity).

  • Tuesday 22 (17:00-18:00): Michael Knaus (HSG) - on zoom & room IFW A 32.1
    • Double Machine Learning based Program Evaluation
  • Wednesday 23 (17:00-18:00): Nadja Herger (Thomson Reuters Labs), Aileen Nielsen (ETH CLE), Milda Norkute (Thomson Reuters Labs) - on zoom & room RZ F 21
    • Deep Learning-Driven Summarization and the Added Benefits of Explainable AI for Legal Tasks
  • Thursday 24 (17:00-18:00): Aniket Kesari (UC Berkeley) - on zoom & room RZ F 21
    • Improving Traffic Safety Through Video Analysis in Jakarta, Indonesia paper

The submission deadline for the research proposal is on Thursday at 13:00 (so that the proposals can be evaluated for the closing ceremony on Friday).

Additional information for Thursday

  • 13:00: Send your proposals to
  • Between 14:30 and 15:00: Assignment of discussants communicated on Slack
  • 17:00: Presentation by Aniket Kesari (see details above)
  • 18:00: Apéro at IFW (snacks will be provided)


  • 10:45-12:00: Closing ceremony where the participants present their proposals