
An interface board to attach an iC880a to a Raspberry Pi (or compatible) Computer. Also has a footprint for an RTC, temperature/humidity sensor and a GPS reciever.

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Adapter board to interface between the Raspberry Pi and the iC880a LoRaWAN concentrator. It also supports an EEPROM for HAT identification, DS3231 RTC chip for maintaining time between powercycles, and a DHT-22 for temperature/humidity sensing.

This board supports using 3 different GPS modules for the timing/positioning

  1. Adafruit Ultimate GPS module soldered onto the board.
  2. The MT3339 GPS modules (as used on the adafruit break out board) soldered directly to the PCB.
  3. Ublox LEA-6T soldered onto the iC880a Concentrator.

GPS Options

In order to support the different GPS options there are solder jumpers on the PCB to link the required lines. There are 3 jumpers: TX, RX, PPS. The jumpers for TX & RX need to be used whichever GPS module is in use. The PPS link is needed if using either the Ultimate GPS, or the MT3339.

Backup battery options

There are also pads for 0 ohm resistors to enable a choice of which peripherals have the backup battery connected. These can either be popuplated with 0ohm resistors, or just bridged using solder.

Enabling the UBlox module

All GPIOs from the iC880a board are connected to the Pi. In order to enable the UBlox module on the iC880a a couple of these need to be configured as shown below.

Pi I/O Function Pin State