
Code repo of the paper "DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography with Adversarial Learning"

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography with Adversarial Learning

This reop contains code of paper on Music2Dance generation: "DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography with Adversarial Learning". Project Page


  • A CUDA compatible GPU
  • Ubuntu >= 14.04


  • Setup

    Download this repo on your computer and create a new enviroment using commands as follows:

    git clone https://github.com/computer-animation-perception-group/DeepDance.git
    conda create -n music_dance python==3.5
    pip install -r requirement.txt

    Put your audio files (.wav) under "./dataset/music_feature/librosa/samples"

    Extract low-level musical features using command as follows:

    python music_feature_extract.py

    Run the following command to generate dance sequences

    sh generate_dance.sh

    Generated dances are in "training_results/motions". You can change folders of generated dances by changing last line of "generate_dance.sh".

  • Dataset

    Datas will be released soon.

    Our EA-MUD dataset is available now.

  • Training

    Training code will be released soon.

    Training code is available now.

  • Trained Models

    Trained models of multiple dancing genres are on GoogleDrive.

    Download these models and put them on "./training_results/models".

    You can generate dance sequences of different genres by changing model_path in "generate_dance.sh".

  • Visualization

    Open matlab and set path to "m2m_evaluation" folder and run csv_visualization.m


Licensed under an GPL v3.0 License.


  author={G. {Sun} and Y. {Wong} and Z. {Cheng} and M. S. {Kankanhalli} and W. {Geng} and X. {Li}},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}, 
  title={DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography with Adversarial Learning}, 