
My custom configuration for i3-gaps

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


My custom configuration for i3-gaps


  • i3-gaps - Tiling window manager (fork of i3)
  • picom - X11 compositor fork from compton
  • conky - Conky Cairo lightweight system monitor
  • i3lock-color - Fork of the i3 screen lock tool (with additional features)
  • xautolock - Automatic screen locking tool
  • scrot - Screenshot tool
  • redshift - Night light screen brightness/color/temperature adjuster to reduce eye strain
  • geoclue2 - Geolocation program, used by redshift
  • terminator - Command-line terminal
  • powerline-status - Statusline plugin for Vim and Bash (installed via pip)
  • youtube-dl - Command-line program to download/stream videos
  • i3ipc - A Python library for controlling i3's inner functionality
  • qrencode - QR Code encoding program
  • sl - Steam locomotive ASCII art animation to prevent ls mistypes
  • lolcat - Colorful cat program