- 1
- 0
Detect when swipe has started
#63 opened by SethCram - 0
Trying to get it to work with Reanimated
#62 opened by melhawnuhra - 2
Function trigger with overswipe
#11 opened by dancixx - 0
Types incompatible with reanimated 3.2
#61 opened by jmif - 4
Added extra onPress is always invoked
#29 opened by thomasdittmar - 2
Improve README
#56 opened by bradfloodx - 2
- 6
Example causes CPU to go to max
#54 opened by joshbuddy - 5
- 3
- 1
- 1
Swipe not working with latest version of Expo
#49 opened by ppetrick - 3
Add custom props to RowItem
#44 opened by flpmko - 0
Generic type not passed to SwipeableItem props
#38 opened by adamhake - 6
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'previousStyle') when experimenting readme example
#37 opened by tiagocpeixoto - 15
Reanimated get value error
#14 opened by jesselurie - 1
Calling %s on the ref of an Animated component is no longer necessary. You can now directly use the ref instead. This method will be removed in a future release. e getNode()
#28 opened by Angelk90 - 1
- 1
Freeze some elements from dragging
#33 opened by AishwaryaSurana - 0
Please support `react-native-reanimated` 2
#34 opened by k3-cat - 3
Unable to swipe consistently
#2 opened - 5
- 2
- 2
Animated: 'useNativeDriver' was not specified
#13 opened by AndriiMut4 - 1
Readme Example code
#21 opened by panda0603 - 1
- 0
When scrolling it triggers onChange
#19 opened by alizhan1 - 1
change snapTo --> snapPoint in onChange
#17 opened by mToutounjy - 1
New release with latest PR merges
#16 opened by manufunk - 2
when onchange will be callled?
#8 opened by AswathiRevathi - 2
Production demo
#7 opened - 5
onPress not working
#5 opened - 2
Does react-native-swipeable-item play well with react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable and which one should I start with?
#6 opened by kopax - 5
Feature proposal: full open
#3 opened - 8
SwipeItem suggestions
#1 opened by lixuanle