- Copy API key from Alphavantage
cd coinmena_test_task
cp .env.default .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
You can check the code quality with docker or with pre commit hooks
Using docker-compose
# Run linterns and formatters
docker-compose exec django black ./
docker-compose exec django flake8 ./
docker-compose exec django isort ./
# Run tests
docker-compose exec django pytest ./
DDD approach uses for creating the application. Each django application is the separate domain.
Project structure description:
├── README.me # Documentation
├── docker-compose.yaml # Usage compose file (if you just want to run the project or parts of it)
├── poetry.lock # Dependencies lock file
├── pyproject.toml # Dependencies and settings file (black, isort, pytest)
├── .env.default # Default nevironment variables
├── .flake8 # Flake8 configuration
├── .dockerignore # Dockerignore file
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml # Pre-commit hooks configuration
└── src # Django project root
├── manage.py # Django management script
├── config # Django settings root
└── domain_1 # Django app root
├── admin.py # Djago admin for current application
├── apps.py # Djago app configuration
├── models.py # Djago models file. Store only table representation here
├── urls.py # Djago current app urls file
├── migrations # Django migrations files
├── api # Domain user interfaces. By default REST is uses
├── domain # Domain data models. Use Pydantic models to describe internal models
└── services # Domain business logic layer
└── calculation.py # Specific domain_1 calculation
└── interfaces # Domain interface for other domains
└── domain_2.py # domain_2 interface. Call domain_2 services from there
└── tests # Domain tests