React + TypeScript + Vite

Task description:

We request you to create a vending machine with the following specifications:

  • Inventory size: up to 15 products of the same type
  • Different prices for each type of product
  • Use a currency of your choice, but ensure the accepted coin denominations are listed in a readme file. The vending machine should only accept the specified denominations.
  • The machine must return change
  • Web Design: responsive

Operations to implement:

  • Products - Fetch initial product list data from an external resource (create a mocked API)
  • CRUD operations for the products within the application state only (no need to update product data in the external resource)
  • Vending - Insert coins, purchase a product, reset process (return coins without making a purchase)
  • Technologies to be used: No restrictions


This project is a vending machine simulator built using React, TypeScript, and Vite. It allows you to interact with a virtual vending machine and. Below are instructions on how to set up and run the project.


Compatible with Node.js v18.15.0

  • Install packages by running npm i from the root folder
  • Available scripts:
    • npm run dev - open dev version with live preview
    • npm run build - build production version
    • npm run lint - run linter
    • npm run preview - preview build version

Available currency types:

The vending machine takes all denominations of the USA dollar

More about the currency - wiki

You can use the following currency types:

  • 10¢
  • 25¢
  • $1
  • $5
  • $10
  • $20
  • $50
  • $100