
A tool to create and manage Symbolic Directory Links / Hardlinks on your Computer

Primary LanguageC#


A tool to create and manage Symbolic Directory Links / Hardlinks on your Computer

The app with Demonstration entries

DirLinker helps you by providing an interface to first set up all hard links you need, and then creates those.

How to Use

    1. The Link Directory input field expects the path to the directory in which the link should be created
    1. The Link Name input field expectes the desired name of the hard link
    1. The Target Directory input field expects the path to the desired link target
    1. The Submit Button adds the entry to the configuration list.
    1. The Config Button Saves the configuration and opens it using the explorer
    1. The Pause Console Button sets whether the Apply Configuration Output should stay open until further input. Useful for Troubleshooting
    1. Finally, the Apply Configuration Button will request administrative privilege in create all desired Hard links
    1. During this process, if the HardLinkTool sees a Directory exist at the Link Directory, it attempts to Move it to the target directory, and then creates the Hard link

Known Problems

  • Editing existing entries is currently not implemented