ComDMFT is an ab initio code for simulating correlated quantum materials with crystalline symmetry. It combines the LQSGW code's DFT or qsGW calculations with an impurity problem describing strong on-atom correlations. The impurity problem is set up using Wannier90 and cRPA, and is solved with DMFT and the ComCTQMC impurity solver.
- 70akaline
- ahzeeshanTexas Tech University
- AnselmooSwitzerland
- cairdac-rd
- Chenchao-Xu
- chengyanlaiLos Alamos National Laboratory
- chhchl
- chrinide
- cnyehFlatiron institute
- dinngoman
- dsestil
- Duppyismycopilot
- eargnawk
- Evan1415London, United Kingdom
- exAClior@CodingThrust
- harrisonlabollitaFlatiron Institute
- hokin2
- huangli712China Academy of Engineering Physics
- hyyang-zjnu
- lkwagnerUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- LRH123LRH123Shandong university
- Ma-huanhuan
- mcaaronArizona State University
- shibingzhang
- SidobiGwangju Institute of Science and technology
- table9
- Vijaythakur31University of Illinois
- woochang-kim-94University of California, Berkeley
- yjw0510
- yw-choiUniversity of California, Berkeley
- ZhihuiLuo
- ZhijieFan