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Primary LanguageTypeScript

Arcade Token Tracking System

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Proposed Additonal Features

  • Persist ledger to server / db
  • User auth / login
  • Material design components
  • Page routing (separate view components for Store / Transactions / Balance etc.)
  • Shop items to purchase


A customer goes to the ACME arcade, where they can purchase and spend tokens. Create a simple UI and ledger system that records the token balance for a single customer and provides a detailed history of transactions.


  • Implemented in Angular (version 2+)
  • As a customer
    • I want to purchase X number of tokens
    • I want to be able to spend X number of tokens
    • I want to be able to see my current balance
    • I want to see a history of transactions. Each transaction contains a description of the action performed.
    • I should not be able to spend more tokens than I currently have

Use Case

  • John purchased 5 tokens with the description “Card Refill”
  • John has used 4 tokens with the description of “Sonic Adventure Game”


Create a UI that satisfies the requirements above. This task shouldn’t take more than a couple hours.


  • The balance history does not have to be persisted anywhere. On webpage refresh it is valid for the history to be cleared.
  • Please provide a way to share your project (StackBlitz, Heroku, or Github branch with instructions on how to run locally)
    • When submitting please provide a list of additional features you think may be useful for extending the ledger system
  • Please provide the sample at least 3 hours prior to your interview and feel free to reach out with any questions