jenkins-notifier is a Node CLI utility that displays a system notification and console message if the count of unstable jobs in Jenkins changes.
Unstable jobs are jobs with the BallColor enum of RED, RED_ANIME, YELLOW and YELLOW_ANIME.
Clicking on the notification will take you directly to Jenkins.
$ npm install -g jenkins-notifier
After starting, you'll be prompted for your username, password and Jenkins URL. The default interval of 5 seconds will be used.
jenkins-notifier {url} {username} [{interval}]
After starting, you'll be prompted for your Jenkins password. The password is not visible while being typed in.
complete URL to Jenkinsusername
your Jenkins usernameinterval
(optional) how often (in seconds) to check Jenkins
jenkins-notifier http://jenkins.loc bruce 10
Enter Jenkins password:
jenkins-notifier is running and checking every 10s.
Checks Jenkins at http://jenkins.loc
with the username bruce
every 10